About ETV

For young people leaving foster care, the daily struggle with adult responsibilities often makes planning for the future and pursuing higher education or training very difficult. The John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 addressed this challenge with programs to help youth transition to adulthood. The Education Training Voucher (ETV) Program followed in 2002, creating a federally-funded, state-administered initiative to provide funding and support for post-secondary education. The design of the program drew in part upon best practices that had evolved through Foster Care to Success’ work with foster youth.

Eligible students may receive grants up to $5,000 per year for up to five years or until the state’s age limit.  ETV funds can be combined with other grants and scholarships to minimize or eliminate the need for student loans.

For more information, choose your state below:

North Carolina

To learn about resources in other states, contact a county Dept. of Social Services worker, or Google (the state’s name) with key words such as Chafee Education and Training Voucher, or foster care Chafee Independent Living.