Alabama launched the Fostering Hope Scholarship to provide tuition assistance for foster and adopted youth at public community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, and approved training programs. For more information, click on the link below.
Missouri and North Carolina offer unique statewide grant programs so that their foster youth can attend public colleges free from student loan debt. In 2007, the North Carolina State Legislature, recognizing that their responsibility to the children in their foster care system extended beyond food, clothing and shelter, established a statewide education grant for foster youth and adoptees. Missouri followed suit in 2010. Both programs were designed and developed, and are now administered by Foster Care to Success based on our over 30 years’ experience supporting foster youth through higher education.
For more information about the Reach Programs, please click on the links below:
MO Reach has a new component, the Credential Completion and Employment Financial Assistance Program (CCE) for youth pursuing a short-term credential leading to employment. For more information, click the link below: