
Since 2001, Foster Care to Success has seen 3,011 degrees and credentials awarded – everything from cosmetology certificates to Ph.D.s, M.D.s, and J.D.s. We are proud of every graduate as we are proud of every student who takes one step forward.


Here are some of the hundreds of testimonials received from students in the same survey:

“The fact that they care and want to see you do better in school or work is very helpful. They help keep you on track and ask questions to see if they can help in any phase of your life if that be social, work or school. They also give you pointers to help you become better in school and help guide you through situations.” -M.M., Glendale Community College, AZ

 “I love having someone to share personal experiences with who doesn’t give generic responses but instead offers honest, helpful opinions. It is always a pleasure talking to my coordinator.” -A.J., Buffalo State College, NY

“My coordinator has sincerely helped me in many ways with school as well as with me maturing as a young man. He has taught me on how to make decisions that will not only positively affect me now but my future as well. He has and continues to motivate me to do better and better and exceed all expectations. I honestly wish there were duplicates of him, because he is a very genuine, sincere and caring person. I was very lucky to have him guide me through this journey in college.” -A.D., American Intercontinental University, IL

 “The best part of having an FC2S coordinator is knowing I could talk to someone about my problems without them being biased and judgmental. I was offered a lot of support and encouragement and felt like I was not alone.” -T.K., Technical Career Institute, NY

 “I love my coordinator; she has really changed my life.” -A.P., Cleveland State University, OH